The Secret to Longer Living with Vitality - PART 2: The Role of Musculoskeletal System, Heart and Brain in Vitality

In our previous segment, we explored the marvels of cells and the vast expanse of our skin. Now, let's shift our focus. We'll dive into the dynamic musculoskeletal system and the seamless synergy of the heart, circulation, and brain. With the insights from our first part to guide us, let's continue our journey into the body's wonders.

The Musculoskeletal System: Keeping the Vitality and Flexibility Alive!
Just beneath our skin lies the marvel that is our musculoskeletal system. This consists of the passive elements – our bones, joints, and cartilage, as well as the active components that hold it all together: muscles, fascia, and tendons. To keep your vitality and stay spry for as long as possible, it's all about letting those muscles shine!
Why? Because muscle strength is essential for maintaining the overall health of your musculoskeletal system. Your approximately 600 muscles peak in power between your twenties and thirties. After that, one tends to lose a third to half of their muscle mass. Additionally, the decreasing muscle mass gets replaced by fat. This decline is a primary reason why people become less mobile and require more care as they age.

How can you combat this loss? You've guessed it – movement is key! Physical activity not only trains your muscles but also the nerves controlling them. It boosts metabolism, circulation, and even the formation of new blood vessels. This not only promotes vitality but also protects against vascular diseases and heart attacks. Exercise is also a balm for the soul, reducing stress hormones and releasing happiness hormones. The German Heart Foundation recommends 5 sessions of 30 minutes of exercise each week. Ideally, two of these sessions should focus on strength and stamina. If you're not big on structured workouts, aim for at least 7,000 to 8,000 steps daily.
Also, consider activities like Tai-Chi or dancing that improve coordination and rhythm. Did you know? Dancing seniors have a reduced risk of dementia by up to 80% and are less likely to experience falls! Moreover, it's never too late to start; participants between ages 86 to 96 increased their leg strength by 175% in an 8-week study.
The primary concern for the approximately 200 bones in your body is osteoporosis, or the age-related loss of bone density. The majority of your bones consist of collagen fibers, which rebuild or degrade based on stress. The less stress you put on your bones, the more proteins called osteoclasts expedite bone loss. So, the same vitality advice goes for your skeleton as for your muscles: Keep moving!
To further support bone health, nutrients like Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin D3 can help. With the aid of Vitamin D3, your body can more efficiently absorb calcium and phosphate. You can get this vitamin from moderate sun exposure or by consuming fatty fish like salmon, sardine, or herring.
Lastly, let's discuss the roughly 140 joints in your body. Each is covered with a thin layer of cartilage, a natural wonder consisting of tough collagen fibers that are simultaneously rigid, elastic, and incredibly flexible. Unfortunately, with age, the cartilage's water content and elasticity decrease, leading to conditions like arthritis.
Once again, healthy eating and exercise can help. Losing just 5 kilos can halve the arthritis risk for the next decade! Low-impact sports like swimming can strengthen muscles without straining the joints. Ensure you sit ergonomically at work, stay hydrated, and take regular breaks. You can also supplement your diet with hyaluronic acid and collagen to support cell structures and retain water.

Heart, Circulation, and Brain: Maintaining the Vital Flow of Life
Your heart is arguably the most essential muscle in your body. Think of it as a tireless pump, pulsing about 70 times a minute, 100,000 times a day, and up to 3 billion times throughout your life. That's quite a workout for a single organ that's about the size of a fist and weighs as much as a mango!
The challenge with our aging heart is that its muscle cells regenerate very slowly - less than one percent annually. Essentially, your heart mostly operates with the same muscle cells you had at birth. This unique characteristic makes it more vulnerable to wear and tear and various health concerns.
The most significant threat to cardiovascular vitality is arteriosclerosis, or the hardening of the blood vessels due to plaque buildup. How does this occur? Primarily, as vessels become less flexible and elastic with age, their ability to modulate blood pressure decreases. Elevated blood pressure impairs the breakdown of blood fats like cholesterol, leading to vessel damage and clumping. These narrowed arteries reduce the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscle, causing the gradual loss of heart muscle cells and a decline in performance. Additionally, the blockages can cause blood clots, which disrupt circulation. In the worst scenarios, this can lead to dementia from chronic undersupply or sudden blockage in a vessel, commonly referred to as a stroke.
This brings us to the brain – our neural command center. It faces the same risks as the cardiovascular system: reduced blood flow and sudden vessel blockages. So, how can you boost the vitality of both your heart and brain?

Three primary actions can help:

  1. Regular Check-ups: Start by getting regular health screenings. Cardiologists can assess your heart health, monitor your blood pressure, and analyze blood values, ensuring everything flows with vitality.
  2. Mindful Eating: Nutrition plays a pivotal role. Current nutritional science suggests that a primarily Mediterranean diet-rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, lentils, chickpeas, fish, and olive oil-benefits your circulatory system.
    Cold-pressed oils, rich in monounsaturated fats, maintain and stabilize cell walls, reduce inflammation, and prevent cardiovascular issues. On the other hand, it's wise to minimize industrially processed fats found in fast foods and, if possible, reduce animal fats present in sausages and milk. These can clog cellular structures and, over time, impair metabolism and circulation. Also, excessive salt is detrimental: it flushes calcium from the system, elevates blood pressure, affects circulation, and triggers inflammation.
  3. Exercise for the Heart and Mind: Keeping your weight in check is essential, but don't forget about exercising your intellect! Engage in activities like reading, writing, playing games, enjoying music, embracing lifelong learning, and maintaining open and critical discussions with others. Keeping the heart and brain vibrant ensures a life full of vitality!

A Few Vitality-Boosting Hacks to Wrap Up
Throughout this blog, several health hacks have popped up repeatedly because they genuinely help maintain vitality across multiple levels. Let's revisit some of the classics of a healthy life: exercise, good sleep, hydration, a balanced Mediterranean-inspired diet, and avoiding toxins. Seriously, ditch habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption - they weaken the immune system, impair wound healing, fuel inflammation, and pave the way for diseases. Instead, consider sipping on a cup of coffee or two. Not only does it enhance circulation and concentration, but it can also potentially ward off strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and even depression.

Emerging research in aging is unveiling other "hacks". For instance, enzymes called sirtuins are being heralded as real "fountain-of-youth proteins". They play a role in various body processes, like nerve fiber growth, cell division, and the elimination of cellular waste. They protect tissues, regulate insulin formation, and combat challenges like free radicals, high blood pressure, neurological diseases, and cancer. While researchers are yet to develop reliable supplements, you can activate sirtuins by consuming specific plant-based compounds. These are found in green tea, peanuts, cashews, grapes, citrus fruits, apples, broccoli, chili peppers, garlic, turmeric, and yes – even dark chocolate.
Another set of miracle compounds are senolytics, which clear out "zombie" cells that no longer contribute to cell division. These can be sourced from secondary plant compounds, like quercetin found in blueberries, onions, and capers, or fisetin present in strawberries and cucumbers.
Intermittent fasting, previously mentioned, is another vitality booster. During these fasting periods, the mitochondria receive fewer calories, slowing down their production. This provides the body a break to detox and engage in cell repair and regeneration. Many experts recommend the 16:8 intermittent fasting model. This involves fasting before and after sleep and eating only within an eight-hour window during the day. It's optimal to have fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the morning when insulin levels are naturally higher and can better metabolize complex carbs. In the evening, focus on vegetables and proteins, as they're utilized effectively during the body's growth phase in the early morning hours.
Lastly, remember that what rejuvenates the body often revitalizes the soul. Embrace a life of minimal stress, enjoy relaxing saunas and nature walks, indulge in music and dance, and foster a healthy social life filled with physical and emotional closeness. Embracing these vitality hacks can pave the way for a happier, healthier you!

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