The Secret to Longer Living with Vitality - PART 1: The Role of Cells and Skin in Vitality

Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey as we delve into the wonders of the human body and discover ways to elevate its vitality. In two captivating blog parts, we'll explore four fascinating topics. From the foundational role our cells play, to the marvels of our expansive skin, the resilience of the musculoskeletal system, and the intricate dance between the heart, circulation, and brain. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to be amazed by the miracles within us! Let's dive in!

Cells: The Starting Point of Vitality and Longevity
Our journey through the human body starts with its most fundamental units: cells. Did you know a single cell is just a tiny fraction of a millimeter in size? Yet, if you were to string together the roughly 100 trillion cells in your body, that string would circle the Earth 60 times. It's staggering to think we lose around 50 million cells every second! The good news is our body is constantly repairing and producing new ones. However, as we age, these processes start to slow down.

Moreover, our cells are extremely sensitive to external factors: harmful radiations like radioactivity or the sun's UV rays, pollutants, chemicals, stress, or even a deficiency in essential micronutrients in our bloodstream. These factors challenge the body's ability to accurately code new cells, repair damaged ones, or get rid of dead cells and toxins. This vulnerability heightens the risk of inflammations, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer.

However, the fact that our cells respond keenly to external stimuli also means you have the power to actively boost their health. Let's illustrate this with a vital aspect of aging: the telomeres. Telomeres act like protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes, much like the plastic tips on shoelaces. With each chromosome replication, they wear down. Once the telomeres shorten substantially after 50 to 60 cell divisions, the cell ultimately perishes.

Many aging researchers pin their hopes on a naturally occurring enzyme called telomerase, which partially mends these telomeres. Pharmaceutical giants are undoubtedly racing to develop anti-aging solutions that stimulate telomerase production. But these solutions have, so far, also triggered uncontrolled cell growth, leading to tumor formations. Here's the heartening news: you can also naturally stimulate telomerase.

This was proven by experiments conducted by US researcher Elizabeth Blackburn in 2008. She had 24 male participants give up meat, eggs, dairy, and processed foods for three months. Instead, they mostly consumed a low-fat plant-based diet: veggies, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Plus, they were encouraged to walk for at least 30 minutes on six days of the week and manage stress with yoga and meditation.

The outcome? Telomerase activity surged by 30 to 80%! Additionally, all participants witnessed improvements in their BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Oh, and did I mention? Elizabeth Blackburn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009.

So, in the journey of vitality, remember that the health of your cells plays a pivotal role. Making conscious choices can undoubtedly pave the way for a longer, healthier life.

Skin: Boosting Vitality with Fresh Cell Treatments for Our Largest Organ!
Our next stop is the skin, covering approximately 1.8 square meters and making it our largest and most versatile organ. Acting as a protective barrier against dehydration and harmful agents, it regulates our temperature, produces around 30 hormones, and serves as a sensory gateway to the external world. Since it shapes our visible exterior, it's central to the conversation about aging.

Aging in the skin happens mainly due to internal, biological factors. As with many areas of the body, cell repair and renewal diminish over the years. Mitochondria, the cell's powerhouses, lose their efficiency, and residues like excess skin pigments take longer to break down. Moreover, the production of hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone – crucial for metabolism and protective skin fats – also decreases. Aging skin has less collagen for structure, reduced hyaluronic acid for water retention, and weaker blood vessels.

These changes manifest as typical aging symptoms: increased wrinkles, lines, visible blood vessels known as "spider veins", spots, and growths. While these changes are entirely natural, there are ways to influence and slow down these processes, maintaining skin vitality.

One of the biggest external culprits? Light. Especially the blue UV rays from the sun and our LED screens make us look older. They stimulate enzymes that break down vital proteins in the skin and disrupt the formation of structural proteins like keratin, essential for skin cell integrity. This light also hinders melatonin production, a hormone that reduces inflammation and maintains our day-night rhythm. Here's a vitality tip: Good sleep is a true elixir against aging! During this rejuvenating rest, your body can clear out cellular waste and repair cells.

So, minimize screen time and be cautious when sunbathing. Avoid over-applying sunscreen or skincare products, as certain ingredients can disrupt the skin's protective microbiome and natural lipid film. Best practice? Rinse areas like arms, legs, face, and torso just with water. Within four weeks, your skin's natural oils will balance out!

Moreover, nurture your skin from the inside. Fruits and veggies provide the skin with essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins for cell regeneration. Occasional fasting allows your body to burn fats and focus on cellular cleaning, promoting skin vitality.

Want a tip to stimulate skin metabolism and circulation? Engage in exercise, alternate between hot and cold showers, undergo hydrotherapy, or even sauna sessions. And here's a fun fact: Physical intimacy acts like a fresh cell treatment! Sex reduces stress, curbs inflammation, and as a beautiful side-effect, releases a myriad of feel-good hormones.

Wrapping Up Part One
And there we have it - a journey through the tiny powerhouses of our body, the cells, and the vast protective canvas of our skin. These intricate wonders work tirelessly to maintain our vitality.
In the upcoming second part, we'll delve into the world of the musculoskeletal system. Plus, prepare to be amazed by the harmonious dance between our heart, circulation, and brain, the essential triad that keeps the rhythm of our life flowing smoothly.

Wanna directly move on to Part 2?

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  • Marion on

    Thank you for this informative article. We started to eat vegan 4 year’s ago and we can confirm that our health and even the look of the skin improved. It’s also important to not purchase anything that is loaded with chemicals like skincare, toilet paper, furniture etc.

  • Heidi Forester on

    Very interesting and informative article.

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